Select Picture for Enlargement and move cursor over  pic for description
Billy Owens on the road
Billy and his crew taking  a break
Billy Owens and Billy Wulfers
Billy Owens & Kathy Hall
Billy Owens and Claudia Black
Rev CB Baker,Marsha Nanney, Linda Raby
Simmons_Wulfers_and_Earles in Destin, Fl
Billy Owens Fishing Destin 2009
Classmate Pictures
Credits for the Class of  64 Website :


Robert Faulk
John Thompson

Billly Owens
Billy Owens by the Spring River
Thje Wulfers Yacht
Just boating

Send the Producers a Message

07-31-10 Wulfers has picked out a nice boat  ! From: Unknown 
08-01-10 Hey Billy who is the blonde under the sign Pull- Em ? From: John T
08-02-10 Are  you familiar with the Villa Castrioti great pizza and drinks and wine are not  expensive good atmosphere for your next Social.  John T
08-09-10 Billy, when are you going to learn to have fun? <wink> Carey D

Billy Owens'
'Classmate Message Box'
Billy Wulfers, Fran Henderson ,Sharon Knight, Rita Harris, and Billy OwensJuly 21,2010
Billy Wulfers, Fran Henderson ,Sharon Knight, Rita Harris, and Billy OwensJuly 21,2010
Billy Wulfers, Fran Henderson ,Sharon Knight, Rita Harris, and Billy OwensJuly 21,2010
Jimmy Simmons and Carol Brooks
Carol and Billy
Carol Brooks and Jimmy Simmons
Billy, Lem and  Carol at Counce marine